The Masters of the Gyokku Ninja Clan believe that they must take their students beyond strength... to understanding and Wisdom. Members of the clan study ancient ninja philosophy that grants insight into the hidden workings of the human mind and heart.
Ninja genin learn the subtle rules upon which the very cosmos moves, and understand that fate and destiny are not immovable pillars wrought in stone, but a beautiful painting created out of the actions and hopes and will of every living thing in the universe.
The greatest achievement of a Ninja might be said to be not victory, but great understanding - a wisdom so great that one can always avoid conflict, always know what is the 'right action'. To be a Ninja is to be so much in harmony with even an enemy that he chooses not to oppose you.
The ninja also study books that enhance their understanding of humanity, such as some sections of 'The Unfettered Mind', as also the words of great warriors and leaders from out of the past, such as Tokugawa Ieyasu. Books of consummate combat strategy, such as the Go Rin No Sho, the brilliant 'Book of Five Rings' by Miyamoto Musashi, are also studied. Indeed, study of the Go Rin No Sho can never be neglected by any warrior group, for it is a work that is both subtle and effective.
The ninja know that philosophy, strategy and true understanding are not solely applied to war, but also to peace, to the world of business, and to almost any arena of life. You can learn to control and manipulate events to give yourself a victory so subtle and perfect that your opponents may not even recognize it as such.
Yet the ninja are not a people dedicated solely to the ways of war, as you will see on the...
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